
CGM Alarm Fatigue – What it is and what you can do about it
A CGM monitor tracks your blood sugar throughout the day and notifies you via alarm when your glucose levels change. It is designed to give

The Importance of Having Diabuddies
When living with diabetes, it is essential to have friends or “diabuddies” who live with diabetes and thus experience life similar to you. Here are

The Value of a Growth Mindset in Diabetes Management: FAQs
This blog is designed to answer prominent questions about a growth mindset, including what it is, why it matters, what it can change, and how
An Introduction to Diabetes Distress and Burnout
Diabetes distress and burnout are two common experiences of those living with diabetes. Individuals experiencing diabetes distress or burnout often feel alone and isolated, often
Diabetes, Mental Health Challenges, and Promoting Mental Wellness
There are seemingly innumerable responsibilities and tasks to keep in mind when managing diabetes. Because of this, maintaining mental health is often the first thing
Things I’ve Learned About Diabetes & Mental Health
In honour of Diabetes Awareness Month, I wanted to share some of the things I have learned about diabetes and mental health over the past